Thank you so much for your support. We could not fulfil our God-given vision without your generous offering of time, talents and finance. We encourage regular members of the church to contribute to the vision of the church and the activities associated with it in whatever way you can. Check out our “How You Can Help’ page to see where we need your talents.
You can give financially to the work of either church in many different ways...
1) Using the Parish Giving Scheme: This is our preferred way for people to use to support us financially, please see this page for further information.
2) Regular Giving by Standing Order: Collect a form from either church and fill it in
If you are a UK tax payer please consider Gift Aiding your donation, which will enable us to claim an additional 25% on your donation.
3) At the Services: In the offering plates at the service or by using the contactless giving terminal on the table at the back of church. There will be someone to help you if you are unfamiliar with this equipment.
4) A one off donation: which can be made into our church bank accounts:
All Saints, Higher Walton: Sort Code 29-69-85, A/C No. 10695890 in the name of All Saints Church Higher Walton.
Holy Trinity, Hoghton: Sort Code: 20-51-08, A/C No. 10091375 in the name of Holy Trinity Church
How much should I give?
As Christians, we give as a sign of our love for God and in response to his love and generosity to us. As generous stewards, we are called to live in the knowledge that we are stewards, or managers, of everything God has given to us (time, skills, money, and possessions). We use these in God’s service, knowing that we will be accountable to him for how we have used them.
‘Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendour, for everything in heaven and earth is yours.’
(1 Chronicles 29 v 11)
Vision 2026 calls disciples to give ‘generously of our time, talents and money to the cause of Christ’. Stewardship is not about giving so the church can ‘make ends meet’ but about generously giving back to God and seeing God’s church grow as it is resourced for mission and ministry.
God knows our circumstances, so we need to pray for guidance. Giving is not a legalistic obligation but a joyful expression of thanks to God from our hearts. God does not value our offering by how much we give, but by our attitude to our giving. What do we give and what do we spend on other things? The New Testament does not tell us how much we should give but we are encouraged to give generously, freely and cheerfully and in accordance with our means.
‘For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have’
(2 Corinthians 8 v 12)
How do I know if I am giving generously?
Is the amount I am giving away realistic in relation to my income?
Can I see an element of sacrifice in my giving? Does it impact on my lifestyle?
Is my giving a priority from what I receive each week or month, or just what is left over?
If what I give away was given back to me, would I notice?
For more information, please get in touch with us on our Contact page.