Holy Trinity Church: Graveyard Information
Holy Trinity Churchyard is a place of history, dignity and beauty where generations of parishoners have laid their loved ones to rest. There are rules and regulations that govern Church of England graveyards. These are set by the Diocese of Blackburn and not by Holy Trinity Church but we have an obligation to follow and uphold them.
In our churchyard graves are owned by the Church with the Vicar of the parish acting on its behalf.
A few months after the burial it is normal for the soil level to settle. The grave will, in due course, be allowed to grass over and the Church will take responsibility for keeping it mown and tidy. We are pleased that many people carefully tend family graves, but please see information inside on what materials are allowed in the churchyard. Please note only natural flowers are allowed, due to the damage caused by wire stems on plastic flowers.
To the left of the church building, outside the hall, we have a memorial garden where loved ones can inter the ashes of family members. Ashes must be in an approved casket or a biodegradable scatter tube. All plots in this part of the churchyard can hold a maximum of two sets of ashes.
Before you place any memorial on a grave, you must have permission from the Vicar. In a churchyard such as Holy Trinity, it is desirable that memorial stones are similar in colour and texture to the stone of the church.
The best way to get a headstone that meets the criteria set out by Blackburn Diocese is to contact a local stone mason who will handle all the details for you and liaise with the church on your behalf.
Inscriptions must be consistent with Christian beliefs and must read well and be appropriate now and in the future. These and any subsequent inscriptions must be approved by the Vicar.
A standard fee which is set annually by the Church of England Commissioners is payable when a memorial is introduced into the graveyard or when an additional inscription is made to an existing stone. The Vicar will happily give you a list of the current fees.
It is our intention to make the Churchyard a beautiful, natural and safe environment. We can only do that with your help, which is why we ask that your do not place certain items on the grave.
Here are some items which are not allowed.

Graves are laid to lawn, and plants and shrubs must not be planted within the grave scape. To allow for grass cutting and safety reasons, it is important that nothing is put on the grass that can make it difficult to maintain the Churchyard effectively.
Unauthorised items will be removed and sensitively disposed of. To avoid any distress please do not place items on a grave which are not allowed.

A copy of the Graveyard Guidelines & Policy can be found here.
Blackburn Diocese regulations can be found here.