
Baptism is an event and a celebration.
Baptism, sometimes known as a Christening, is about becoming a member of God’s family, and it marks the beginning of a journey with God. This journey continues for the rest of our lives, baptism is the first step in response to God's love. It is about living life as a Christian, which means we are living with Jesus as our guide and companion through the adventure that is life!
As Christians, we believe that Jesus commands us to be baptised, as a sign of the promises God makes. That is, he promises forgiveness of our sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit to anyone who turns to him in faith. As a Church of England church, we baptise (or christen) children and adults who come to faith later and have not previously been baptised.
Baptism celebrates the fact that God loves people and has a place for them in his Church.
For child baptism, there is a short preparation course for parents to attend. This is mandatory for a baptism to happen. If your child is of primary age or older, then they will also have a short session (with their parents) to explore baptism and have a chance to ask any questions.
Before considering a baptism, you need to ask yourself:
Are you prepared to the best of your ability, to give your child a Christian upbringing within the family of Jesus’ church?
Will you help the child to attend church regularly, to be involved in public worship and in prayer?
Will you encourage your child to learn more about the Christian faith and will you encourage them in time to come to be confirmed and to receive Holy Communion?
If you do not feel able to commit to this but would like a way of saying 'thank you' to God for your child, but do not feel able to make the promises in the baptism service, we also offer a Service of Thanksgiving. Details of both services can be discussed with you.
Parent(s)/Adults are first encouraged to come along to worship services at All Saints or Holy Trinity to ensure that they are comfortable with the type of worship and happy to make All Saints or Holy Trinity their spiritual home. We expect parents to attend church at least once a month in the run up to a baptism so that you get to know us and are comfortable as part of our church family. These services will help to give you a basic grasp of the life and worship of the Christian community and enable you to feel part of this worshipping community.
If you are interested in getting your child baptised please first read our Baptism FAQs
Our Baptism policy can be read here